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Косвенная речь в английском языке: упражнения с ответами для начинающих

Косвенная речь (Reported Speech, Indirect Speech) является одной из самых интересных тем в английском языке. Но одновременно с этим, многие люди, изучающие данный язык, считают её довольно сложной и непонятной. Но на самом деле это далеко не так!

Прямая и косвенная речь в английском

Косвенная речь в английском обозначает то же самое, что и в русском. То есть, грубо говоря, это пересказ чьих-то слов. При построении косвенной речи, то есть при её переводе из прямой происходят некоторые изменения во временах глагола, о которых вы подробно можете узнать в правиле.

А в этой статье вы будете отрабатывать навык построения и использования косвенной речи.

Скорее повторяйте правило и начинайте выполнять данные упражнения!

Косвенная речь: упражнения на утвердительные предложения

Ниже будут приведены упражнения на умение использовать косвенную речь. Упражнения будут затрагивать самые разные аспекты и части данной темы, поэтому постарайтесь выполнить их все. Также к каждому упражнению будут даны ответы.

Упражнение 1

Вам даны несколько предложений с прямой речью на английском языке. Ваша задача – перевести их в косвенную речь, соблюдая все нюансы и особенности данной темы.

  1. “I am really sure that Emily and Peter will be great math teachers for their little kids at school” Mike said.
  2. “When I came to the room, Dilan was in my sofa. He was reading a newspaper or a new book” Tomas said.
  3. Mr. Crush said “Children, actually, I do not know when the conference starts. Ask anyone else, please.”

Здесь вы можете найти ответы на упражнение выше:

  1. Mike said that he was really sure that Emily and Peter would be great math teachers for their little children at school.
  2. Tomas said that when he had come to the room, Dilan had already sat in his sofa. He had been reading a newspaper or a new book.
  3. Mr. Crush said to us that he really did not know when the conference started. He said to ask anyone else, please.
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Упражнение 2

Вам дана ситуация: вы недавно встретили своего друга, и он рассказал вам много интересного. Напишите, что он вам сказал, используя косвенную речь.

  1. “I was playing computer games with my best friend Ben from 10 till 15 and eating a lot of unhealthy and junk food the day before yesterday.”
  2. ”Will you take part in the competition of future young artists with your classmates from art school next month?”
  3. “I am really happy to become a top pupil in my specialized class. My parents also are so happy about this.”


  1. Dilan said that he had been playing computer games with his best friend Ben from ten till fifteen and eating a lot of unhealthy food they day before that day.
  2. Dilan asked me if I would take part in the future competition of young artists with my classmates from art school the following month.
  3. Dilan said that he was really happy to become a top pupil in his specialized class. And also he said that his parents were so happy about this.

Упражнение 3

Задание наоборот. Вам нужно из косвенной речи построить прямую. Довольно легко, не правда ли?

  1. Согласование времен в английском языкеOleg said to his friends that his room had been in the second floor but then it was in the third floor.
  2. My English teacher said to me that he could read my translation of that interesting books about relationships of girls and boys.
  3. Peter said that he had seen strange people at his parents` house the previous year. He was a little bit afraid.


  1. Oleg said to his friends “My room was in the second floor last year but now it is in the third floor.”
  2. My English teacher said to me “Now I can read your translation of this interesting books about school relationships of girls and boys.”
  3. Peter said “I saw strange people at my parents` house last year. I was a little bit afraid.”

Упражнение 4

Вам даны предложения с косвенной речью. Вам необходимо вставить на место пропусков told или said согласно их смыслу и употребления.

  1. Alice ____ (said or told) his parents that she was really happy because she had passed all of her school exams the previous week.
  2. Colin ____ (said or told) that his girlfriend had already read about one hundred books in English and Spanish.
  3. The poor man once ____ (said or told) to the rich man that his house was wild and could kill his horse easily.


  1. told;
  2. said;
  3. told.

Косвенная речь: упражнения на вопросительные предложения

Упражнение 1

Ситуация следующая: вчера вы посетили своего доктора, потому что у вас была ужасная головная боль. Вам нужно сказать, какие вопросы он вам задавал.

  1. “How long has your head been aching?” the doctor said.
  2. “Do you eat healthy food or not?” the doctor said.
  3. “Do you have such hard headache sometimes or pretty often?” the doctor said.
  4. “How do you feel now: bad or pretty good?” the doctor said.
  5. “Did you take any medicine drugs for your head or not?” the doctor said.


  1. The doctor asked me how long my head had been aching.
  2. The doctor asked me whether I ate healthy food or not.
  3. The doctor asked me whether I had a terrible headache sometimes or often a day.
  4. The doctor asked me whether I felt bad or pretty good.
  5. The doctor asked me whether I took some medicine drugs for head or not.

Упражнение 2

Ситуация: недавно к вам в школу пришёл журналист из местной газеты. Напишите, как вопросы он задавал.

  1. The reporter said “What subjects do you like the most?”
  2. The reporter said “What do you like more about your schools?”
  3. The reporter said “Children, how many times a year do you go to the school trips?”
  4. The reporter said “What do you want to do next year when you graduate from the school?”


  1. The reporter asked us what our favorite school subject was.
  2. The reporter asked us what we liked more about your schools: teachers or subjects.
  3. The reporter asked us how many times a year we went to the school trips.
  4. The reporter asked us what we wanted to do next year when we graduated from the school.
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Упражнение 3

Переведите вопросы из прямой речи в косвенную, соблюдая все особенности данного типа речи:

  1. My parents said “What do you want to do with all these pictures when we move next year to other town?”
  2. My mother told me and my dad “Who has brought this huge parcel recently? It says that it is for you.” I did not want to answer this question.
  3. Peter said to his friends “Did you go to the cinema without me yesterday or not? Answer me, do not lie!”


  1. My parents asked me what I wanted to do with all these pictures when we would move the following year to other town.
  2. My mother asked me and my father who had brought this big parcel recently. It was written that it was for me. I did not want to answer this question.
  3. Peter asked his friends whether they went to the cinema without him the previous day or not. He asked to answer and not to lie him.

Упражнение 4

Напишите вопросы, которые можно будет перевести в косвенную речь и переведите её в косвенную речь:

  1. Вопросительные и восклицательный знакиI said to my little sister “Do you want to marry that terrible, strange and impolite guy with tattoos?!”
  2. My parents said “Will you stay in the house or go for a walk with Emily and Caroline?”
  3. That strange boy told to me “Can you give me an address of that beautiful girl who you always talk with?”


  1. I said to my little sister whether she really wanted to marry to that terrible, rude and impolite guy.
  2. My parents asked me whether I would stay in the house or go for a walk with my friends Emily and Caroline.
  3. That unusual boy asked me whether I could give him an address of that pretty girl who I was always talking with.

Косвенная речь: упражнения на побудительные предложения

Теперь обратимся к предложениям, в которых используется побуждение.

Упражнение 1

Представь, что твоя мама даёт тебе некоторые инструкции и советы. Напиши, что она тебя попросила или приказала сделать.

  1. My mother said “Please, be a good girl at your new school. I am really nervous about you.”
  2. My mother said “Sit down at the table and do your English and homework for an hour!”
  3. My mother said “Do not worry over such a small thing in your good life. I will always support you.”


  1. My mother asked me to be a good girl at my new school. She said that she was really nervous about me.
  2. My mother told me to sit down at the table and do my English and math homework.
  3. My mother asked me not to worry over such a small thing in my good life. She said that she would always support me.
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Упражнение 2

Ты решил рассказать своему другу, какие инструкции тебе сегодня дал твой учитель английского языка. Напиши три предложения о том, что он сказал тебе.

  1. My English teacher said “Tomas, you should be more attentive in your work of translation. Next time you will succeed.”
  2. My English teacher said “Tomas, how long time do you do your translations? Please, do it a little bit longer.”
  3. My English teacher said “Tomas, if you feel bad, you can go home.”


  1. My English teacher told me that I should be more attentive in my works of translation. He said that the next time I would succeeded.”
  2. My English teacher asked me how long time I did my translations. He told me to do them a little bit longer.
  3. My English teacher told me that if I felt bad, I could go home.”


На первый взгляд, косвенная речь может показаться сложной из-за своей не совсем простой грамматической конструкции. Но если разобраться в этой теме грамматики, то становится ясно, что ничего очень сложного здесь нет, а нужно всего лишь выучить некоторые конструкции, а также согласование времен.

И именно данные упражнения помогут вам отработать навык употребления косвенной речи очень продуктивно. Поэтому внимательно выполняйте данные упражнения внимательно и проверяйте себя при помощи ответов онлайн.

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