Упражнения по английскому языку на Past Simple и Past Continuous с ответами
Русскоязычному человеку времена английского глагола могут показаться чем-то очень сложным, почти непостижимым. Но, как говорится, в мире нет ничего невозможного.
Тщательно изучаем теорию, подкрепляем ее практикой, то есть методичным и регулярным выполнением упражнений — и непокорные Past Simple и Past Continuous сдадутся на милость победителя, разбежавшись по отведенным для них уголкам памяти.
Упражнения на Past Simple
Past Simple Tense – одно из самых сложных для изучения времен английского языка:
- Правильные и неправильные глаголы образуют форму прошедшего времени по-разному.
- В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях глагол возвращает форму настоящего времени.
- Очень важно среди четырех прошедших времен (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous) выбрать нужное, иначе смысл высказывания может исказится.
Для того, чтобы уловить нюансы использования простого прошедшего времени, предлагаем выполнить блок разноплановых упражнений.
Упражнения на подстановку с ответами
Поставьте глагол в нужную форму прошедшего времени:
- John (to give) me several books.
- Your homework (to be) the best in the class.
- He (to have) less mistakes than usual.
- Mother (to help) them.
- Peter (to go) to the party.
- I (to enjoy) it very much.
- My guests (to eat) all the apples.
- John gave me several books.
- Your homework was the best in the class.
- He had less mistakes than usual.
- Mother helped them.
- Peter went to the party.
- I enjoyed it very much.
- My guests ate the apples.
Выберите верную форму глагола:
- It (was/were) a good wedding.
- Everything (happened/happens) because of him.
- You (can/could) tell me.
- Helen (lived/have lived) in London.
- Yesterday he (walking/walked) home with his bride.
- He (wanted/wanting) to say an important thing to her.
- The police officer (say/said) that he was tired.
- was,
- happened,
- could,
- lived,
- walked,
- wanted,
- said
provider: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnWmZwr3JrM
src in org: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EnWmZwr3JrM?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed
src in mod: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EnWmZwr3JrM?wmode=transparent&rel=0
src gen org: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EnWmZwr3JrM
Упражнения на сравнение с ответами
Выберите правила образования и употребления Past Simple:
- Правильные глаголы образуют форму этого времени при помощи окончания [ed].
- Для образования этого времени используется прошедшее время вспомогательного глагола “to be”.
- Вопросительная и отрицательная форма этого времени образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола “did”.
- Это время используется для выражения действия, произошедшего в прошлом и закончившегося к моменту речи.
- Индикаторами этого времени являются обстоятельства времени last week, last month, last year и т.д.
- В этом времени не употребляется глагол to want.
- Это время на русский язык переводится как «Прошедшее Простое».
1, 3, 4, 5, 7.
Сравните правильные глаголы и догадайтесь, почему в некоторых из них при образовании прошедшего времени удвоилась последняя согласная:
- dance – danced,
- like – liked,
- drop – dropped,
- work – worked,
- love – loved,
- stop – stopped,
- study – studied.
В глаголах drop и stop согласная удвоилась, так как перед ней стоит одна ударная гласная (то есть слог закрытый).
Упражнения на отработку времени с ответами
Сделайте предложения отрицательными:
- She pointed to the large spot.
- I asked my friends to help me.
- The artist drew a picture.
- It sounded well.
- We went to the wedding of our sister.
- Mary saw a cat on the other side of the road.
- She found money in the pocket.
- She didn’t point to the large spot.
- I didn’t ask my friends to help me.
- The artist did not draw a picture.
- It did not sound well.
- We went to the wedding of our sister.
- Mary saw a cat on the other side of the road.
- She found money in the pocket.
Задайте к предложениям общие вопросы:
- The speaker drank a glass of water.
- I understood everything.
- Mother put two plates on the table.
- Our family stayed at a quiet place.
- Tom ate a good dinner.
- He drank too much wine.
- Pedro liked Paris.
- Did the speaker drink a glass of water?
- Did you understand anything?
- Did Mother put two plates on the table?
- Did our family stay at a quiet place?
- Did Tom eat a good dinner?
- Did he drink too much wine?
- Did Pedro like Paris?
provider: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XKpPjJqTHA
src in org: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8XKpPjJqTHA?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed
src in mod: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8XKpPjJqTHA?wmode=transparent&rel=0
src gen org: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8XKpPjJqTHA
Переводные упражнения с русского на английский с ответами
Переведите предложения на английский:
- Mike danced with Nina.
- She put her arms round his neck.
- We did not see anybody in the park.
- Did Freddy like Washington?
- They didn’t understand the message.
- It seemed very easy.
- Her husband never dried his hands carefully on the towel.
- Майк танцевал с Ниной.
- Она обняла его за шею.
- В парке мы никого не увидели.
- Понравился ли Фредди Вашингтон?
- Сообщения они не поняли.
- Оно казалось очень простым.
- Ее муж никогда тщательно не вытирал руки полотенцем.
Поставьте неправильные глаголы в форму прошедшего времени и переведите:
- bring,
- choose,
- drive,
- hear,
- know,
- pay,
- swim,
- write,
- sleep.
- brought – принес,
- chose – выбрал,
- drove – вел машину,
- heard – слышал,
- knew – знал,
- paid – платил,
- swam – плавал,
- wrote – написал,
- slept – спал.
Переводные упражнения с английского на русский с ответами
Переведите пословицы:
- Care killed the cat.
- One drop of poison infected the whole tun of wine.
- Little strokes fell great oaks.
- First came, first served.
- Забота убила кошку (заботы хоть кого в могилу вгонят).
- Одна капля яда отравила целую бочку вина (капля дегтя в бочке меда).
- Маленькие удары свалили большие дубы (капля камень точит).
- Кто первый пришел, тому и подали (кто первый встал – того и тапки).
Переведите на русский язык:
- My parrot liked grass.
- The students went to the class.
- I saw clouds in the sky.
- The men were in the office.
- Yesterday in the morning she drank coffee.
- Bob went over the garden wall.
- The cat climbed the tree.
- Мой попугай любил траву.
- Студенты вошли в класс.
- Я видел облака в небе.
- Мужчины были в офисе.
- Вчера утром она пила кофе.
- Боб перелез через стену сада.
- Кошка вскарабкалась на дерево.
provider: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=untYKI1IkPk
src in org: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/untYKI1IkPk?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed
src in mod: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/untYKI1IkPk?wmode=transparent&rel=0
src gen org: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/untYKI1IkPk
Упражнения на дифференциацию с ответами
Выпишите правильные глаголы:
to point, to look, to go, to catch, to climb, to give, to carry, to know, to hope, to work, to be, to buy.
to point, to look, to climb, to carry, to hope, to work.
Раскройте скобки:
- Yesterday we (saw/were seeing) birds flying over the city.
- The cow (liked/was liking) the flowers.
- The woman (was/were) in the bus.
- Did he (write/wrote) the letter?
- The children did not (ate/eat) a lot of ice-cream.
- My father (was cutting/cut) himself when he (was shaving/shaved).
- Poor Polly (was loving/loved) her husband.
- saw,
- liked,
- was,
- write,
- eat,.
- cut,
- was shaving,
Упражнения на Past Continuous
Русскоговорящему человеку понять, для чего вообще «придуманы» длительные времена, очень непросто, поэтому наибольшие затруднения вызывает именно употребление Past Continuous и его отличие от Past Simple.
Упражнения на подстановку с ответами
Вставьте глаголы, поставив их в Past Continuous:
to walk, to march, to eat, to work
- We … hard yesterday evening.
- They stood there quietly, while the soldiers ….
- As I … down the street, my enemy went by.
- The chair fell down when the old lady ….
- were working hard,
- were marching,
- was walking,
- was eating.
Вставьте was или were:
- He … writing a poem.
- The singers … singing a beautiful song.
- The ladies … drinking tea.
- The gentleman … sitting on the bench.
- Mary … sewing.
- The workers … working.
- We … talking about clothes.
- was,
- were,
- were,
- was,
- was,
- were.
Упражнения на сравнение с ответами
Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous:
- The doorbell (to ring), but nobody wanted to open the door.
- The doorbell (to ring), when she was sleeping.
- Yesterday I (to watch) an interesting film.
- Yesterday from 2 till 4 I (to watch) the film.
- was ringing,
- rang,
- watched,
- was watching.
Используя данные глаголы составьте пары предложений, одно из которых в Past Simple, другое – в Past Continuous:
- to walk,
- to dance,
- to run,
- to wash.
- Yesterday I walked home with Alex. This time yesterday I was walking with Alex.
- Last week she danced every day. She was dancing for two hours.
- To be in good shape the girl ran every morning. To be in a good shape the girl was running the whole morning.
- I got up and then washed my face. The children were washing their plates carefully for 15 minutes.
Упражнения на отработку времени с ответами
Трансформируйте предложения в прошедшее время:
- The sun is shining.
- The man and women are standing.
- The waiters are waiting.
- The granny is sleeping.
- The children are playing on the beach.
- My wife is staying in the hotel.
- The crane is flying over the river.
- Her grandfather is reading a newspaper.
- The guests are sitting.
- The sun was shining.
- The man and women were standing.
- The waiters were waiting.
- The granny was sleeping.
- The children were playing on the beach.
- My wife was staying in the hotel.
- The crane was flying over the river.
- Her grandfather was reading a newspaper.
- The guests were sitting.
Задайте к предложениям возможные вопросы:
- Black was wearing a black suit.
- All the evening Nick was telling funny stories.
- Jack was playing tennis with his son.
- We were listening to music because we liked it.
- Was Mr. Black wearing a black suit? Was Mr. Black wearing a black or brown suit? Mr. Black was wearing a black suit, wasn’t he? Who was wearing a black suit? What was Mr. Black wearing?
- Was Nick telling funny stories all evening? All the evening Nick was telling funny stories, wasn’t he? Who was telling funny stories all evening? What was doing Nick all evening? What was Nick telling all the evening? What stories was Nick telling all the evening? When was Nick telling funny stories?
- Was Jack playing tennis with his son? Jack was playing tennis with his son, wasn’t he? Was Jack playing tennis with his son or with his nephew? Who was playing tennis with his son? What was Jack doing with his son? What game was Jack playing with his son? Who (whom) was Jack playing tennis with?
- Were we listening to the music, because we liked it? We were listening to the music, weren’t we? Who was listening to music? What were we listening to? What were we doing? Why were we listening to music?
Переводные упражнения с русского на английский с ответами
Переведите на английский язык, используя Past Continuous, где это возможно:
У тетушки Мэри был красивый попугай. Звали его Питер. Однажды вечером птица начала повторять действия, которые совершала тетушка. Мэри спала, он тоже спал. Она смотрела телевизор, попугай смотрел тоже. Тетя пила чай и ела конфеты, он пил и ел тоже. Она курила, и он курил. Но он не говорил, когда говорила она. Не пел, когда она пела.
Aunt Mary had got a beautiful parrot. Its nickname was Peter. Once upon an evening, the bird began to repeat the actions, which the aunt was doing. Mary was sleeping, it was sleeping too. She was watching TV, and the parrot was also watching TV. The aunt was drinking tea and eating sweets; it was drinking and eating too. She was smoking and it was smoking. But it wasn’t speaking, when she was speaking. It was not singing, when she was singing.
Переведите предложения на английский:
- Пока женщина заглядывала в витрину магазина, вор украл ее сумку.
- Когда зазвонил телефон, я читала книгу.
- Когда Нэнси вошла в комнату, дети пели песню.
- Пока Роберт был в Москве, он писал книгу.
- While the woman was looking in the shop window, the thief stole her bag.
- When the phone rang, I was reading a book.
- When Nancy came into room, the children were singing a song.
- While Robert was in Moscow, he was writing his book.
provider: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHJIkoIycsI
src in org: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fHJIkoIycsI?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed
src in mod: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fHJIkoIycsI?wmode=transparent&rel=0
src gen org: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fHJIkoIycsI
Переводные упражнения с английского на русский с ответами
Проспрягайте глагол to sleep в Past Continuous в утвердительной форме, переведите получившиеся предложения на русский язык.
I was sleeping for 10 hours (Я проспал 10 часов).
You were sleeping, when somebody knocked on the door (Ты спал, когда кто-то постучал в дверь).
He was sleeping (Он спал).
Yesterday she was sleeping all evening (Вчера весь вечер она спала).
We were sleeping for a long time (Мы долго спали).
They were sleeping from 4 till 6 (Они спали с 4 до 6).
Переведите на русский язык:
What were the members of your family doing, when it happened? My children were dancing. My wife was listening to music. My mother was knitting socks. My father was playing chess with himself. My brother was taking a shower. The kitten was eating milk. The dog was barking. And I was sleeping.
Что делали члены вашей семьи, когда это произошло? Мои дети танцевали. Моя жена слушала музыку. Моя мама вязала носки. Мой отец сам с собой играл в шахматы. Мой брат принимал душ. Котенок пил молоко. Собака лаяла. А я спал.
Упражнения на дифференциацию с ответами
Выпишите глаголы, которые не употребляются в Past Continuous:
To like, to move, to drink, to love, to hear, to listen, to want.
To like, to love, to hear, to want.
Выпишите глаголы, в которых при добавлении окончания ing конечная согласная не удваивается:
To eat, to stop, to beg, to sleep, to get, to give, to put.
To eat, to sleep, to give.
Если с первого раза не получилось, не переживайте: регулярное выполнение одних и тех же упражнений и даже их заучивание поможет разложить все по полочкам мозга.